Best Before Dates
The North and Central Frontenac Food Bank has adopted the guidelines for distributing food past the best before date as established by Food Banks Canada.
In general, this means that our clients may receive certain food products that are past the best before date identified by the manufacturer. For all canned foods, these items may be distributed up to one year past the best before date identified on the manufacturer’s packaging.
Best before dates are provided by manufacturers as an assurance of the best quality. This is not an indicator of food safety. We will continue to check all food for any indication of spoilage.
Items that have an expiry date (this is different than a best before date), such as infant formula, baby food, and nutritional supplements/meal replacements, will NOT be distributed past this date.
Our volunteers use the following chart to determine when products may be distributed.
Food Item
Fruit and Vegetables
Soups and Stews
Grains and Cereals
Milk powered or canned
Milk tetra pack
Other products
Canned or Jarred
1 Year
1 year
1 year
1 year
not applicable
1 year
not applicable
1 year
Boxed or Bagged
Not applicable
Not applicable
1 year
6 months
6 - 12 months
6 months
6 months